(€14.08 1)
Argueso Oloroso sherry wine 75cl.
TYPE OF WINE: White Wine
VARIETY OF GRAPE: 100 % grape dove.
ZONE GIVES PRODUCCIÓN:Denominación of Origin Jerez-Xeres-Sherry.
PRESENTATION: Bottle jerezana of 75.
Fermentation: fermentation directed for the obtaining of white wines.
Temperature of fermentation: 25 ° C.
System of upbringing: Of criaderas and crossbeams .. system of upbringing typical of this D. O.
Alcoholic graduation: 19 %vol.
Azúcares: 35 - 40.
Dried extract: 50 - 60, gr./l.
Volatile acidity: lower than 0,80 gr./l
Total acidity: understood(included) between(among) 4,80 and 5,30.
Sulphurous total: lower than 35 mg./l.
Color: amber.
Bouquet: In nose, aromas typical of oxidation, tones that the nuez remembers(reminds), balance in mouth, surrounding, sticky and long enough with sensations integrated well wood.
Time of upbringing: 60 months.
The ideal temperature of service of the Fragrant one is of between(among) 13 º and 14 º C.
It is the wine most adapted for the red meats and the hunt. It(he,she) combines perfectly with stews of meat or stewed; specially with gelatinous meats like the tail of bull or the pig's cheek. Exceptional union for the mushrooms, as well as for the very cured cheeses