(€53.18 1)
Notes of Trying
Of color topaz with coppery shades. Extraordinary intensity in nose, with aromas to nut pecana and of spicy wood. Lightly I am bitter in mouth, with recollections to black chocolate. The longest end.
Variety 100 % Dove
Presentation Bottle Lustau Exclusiva, 50 cl.
Lustau VORS (Very Old Rare Sherry) Cut Stick has hisorigin in the search and selection that Manuel Lozano, enologist of Lustau, carried out between the oldest crossbeams of this wine that the company ages in his( cathedral warehouses of Sherry.
To serve between) 13 and 14ºC in a glass of wide mouth. We recommend to enjoy it slow form, estimating how it evolves the wine, his aromas and sensations.